The Premium Plan is designed for the small business owner
or companies who don't have a full-time technical staff. It
provides you with a feature rich platform for reaching out
to customers all over the world, in order to access the international
market and promote your business online. Premium Plan will
put the tools in your hand to host a moderately sized company
website. With access to MySQL and FrontPage extensions if
needed, the potential for functionality is always there. The
feature rich control panel allows clients to manage their
own options including sub-domains, ftp accounts, email accounts,
CGI scripts, MySQL, visitor statistics and much more. With
our managed website services, most of the administrative and
management tasks can be delegated to our tech support staff.
This powerful package offers 50 MB of storage, 50 email accounts
and a free registered domain name plus full access using FTP
and Control Panel.
Account Quotas & Details:
- 1 FREE domain name included!
- 5 Sub Domains
- 5 Parked Domains
- 5 Add-on Domains
- 5 MySQL Databases
- 50 Megabytes of Disk Space
- 1000 Megabytes of Monthly Bandwidth
- 50 Email Accounts
- 5 FTP Account
- Max 2 Sub Domains
- Max 2 Parked Domains
- Linux Hosting including :
• Apache version 1.3.32
• PHP version 4.3.9
• Access to CGI scripts
- FrontPage Extensions
- Web Based Control Panel with maximum control (cPanel X v2.5.0)
- Dedicated human customer service & support
- Free email and phone tech support